Don't panic if you have stocks with good performance and prices don't rise. It will go up sooner or later. Just have tea and watch a play. Over and over again, you will get up before you know it.If it is high, throw away the part that was sucked low the day before, and wait for the opportunity to step back and suck in at a low level.The strong pressure is around 2350;
Friends, the big trend is coming. Don't care about the small waves every day. Staring at the leaf in front of me every day, ignoring the distant forest. How can this work? When the bull market comes, this kind of people are the easiest to stand guard. Why? Because they can't stand the slightest fluctuation. If you go up a little, you'll be safe. It seems that the purse is full, but after the bull market soared, I looked back and saw that my trunk was empty. Don't pick up sesame seeds and lose watermelon. Desire must be controlled. Otherwise, it's a bit difficult to make a big profit.Last night's resumption gave you a reference point, and the pressure support level was quite good. The picture and trend of the lunch break at noon are basically consistent. Tomorrow Thursday, the gap is not expected to run. It's better to make up for it, but it's too little for short-sellers to remember. The long and short sides compete for 3450 points again to see if the bulls can win 3450 points in one fell swoop. Step on 3450. China Red is still worth looking forward to.3. Investment is to make life happier and happier. If investment makes you unhappy at all, please leave this market immediately regardless of profit or loss!
Friends, the big trend is coming. Don't care about the small waves every day. Staring at the leaf in front of me every day, ignoring the distant forest. How can this work? When the bull market comes, this kind of people are the easiest to stand guard. Why? Because they can't stand the slightest fluctuation. If you go up a little, you'll be safe. It seems that the purse is full, but after the bull market soared, I looked back and saw that my trunk was empty. Don't pick up sesame seeds and lose watermelon. Desire must be controlled. Otherwise, it's a bit difficult to make a big profit.3. Investment is to make life happier and happier. If investment makes you unhappy at all, please leave this market immediately regardless of profit or loss!Re-offer on the same day:
Strategy guide 12-13
Strategy guide 12-13
Strategy guide